
Here are some French poems written by Arthur Rimbaud, along with my translations of them into English.

Première soirée     An invocation of his muse.
Sensation     Ambition and plans.
Ophélie     On inspiration, art, his place.
Le châtiment de Tartufe     Saying his rosary.
Venus Anadyomène     A take on a classic scene.
Le Mal     Really bad stuff.
Rêvé pour l’hiver     Intention to find.
Le Dormeur du Val     A remembrance.
Au Cabaret-Vert     Stepping out.
La Maline     Maybe a malingerer.
Le Buffet     Doing his best Baudelaire.
Ma Bohème     And the beat goes on.

All of the above are from his hand-written collection, given to a would-be publisher when he was just fifteen years old, or maybe within days of his sixteenth birthday. Which is pretty amazing.

And here are a couple from a short time later.

Larme     Cry me a river.
Voyelles     Relations of relations.